Before You Join
Familiarize yourself with the league, our mission and our style of play. You can find this by visiting the "about" page.
You must be at least of high school age (the majority of our players are between 20 and 35) and must be comfortable handling hard-hit line drives coming toward you at a high rate of speed. We request that you have no college baseball experience, and were not a regular starter on your high school baseball team or have not played in a number of years. Our league is comprised of less-experienced ball players seeking a comfortable environment to play baseball. If you are looking for an ultra-competitive environment, this league is not for you.
How to Join
Fill out the form below or E-mail [email protected] and enter the subject line: “VLB membership request.” This e-mail will be delivered to VLB president Josh Paul. Please include your name, age, town of residence, phone number and e-mail address. There is no cost. We play in Rock Island, Ill. You may bring friends if they fit the requirements.