The move likely will be additionally beneficial as the Douglas Park infield drains beautifully, and rain is again in the Friday forecast. We hope to be back at Ridgewood the following weekend pending field conditions.
If you have not already done so, please email [email protected] with your weekend attendance plans. Please include whether or not you will be able to make Saturday’s or Sunday’s game. When you respond to roll calls, we know you are coming, and therefore in instances like last week where we had to move to Douglas at the last second, you will receive a call. Thank you for your help.
Also, see VLB Director of Promotions Jason Nunn for info on the Sunday, May 24, Veto League Baseball Friends and Family Day. Nunn has organized a cookout and all players are invited to bring their friends and significant others for a potluck-style meal.
Nunn is providing hot dogs, but asks that folks wishing to participate bring a dish to pass. Flyers will be available at the next VLB contest.