Veto League Baseball will open its 11th campaign on Saturday, May 2 at 11:30 a.m. at Ridgewood Field in Rock Island. Expectations are high, and so may be attendance. Ideally, the league hopes to average at least 14 players a game, though 18 would be ideal, and anything above that will be icing on the cake.
Be prepared to play double headers on both Saturday and Sunday (also an 11:30 a.m. start) as Veto Leaguers anxiously shake off the winter cold and suit up for another year.
Ridgewood Field has been tilled and mowed -- ready for baseball -- as of April 17, 2009.
The first VLB roll call was sent out early Thursday morning. These roll calls were sent to those who have expressed a recent, active interest in playing this season. Response to these roll calls are extremely valuable in determining numbers for the weekend. Ideally, we begin presenting roll calls on the Web site, therefore acquiring attendance totals involuntarily should VLBers be so trained as to post their status before an email is sent. The purpose of the roll call is simple to be sure we’ll have enough players for the game.
I don’t think there’s much else to be said about this season, other than, let’s play ball.
As for our Web updates, they have been coming along slowly. The first order of business has been our statistics page. Our Webmaster Jon Weber, has been working tirelessly on troubleshooting with our Web host and the stat program designers to determine why it seems to be failing at this time. We hope to have that up soon.
In the meantime, we are also considering changing our Web theme in favor of a wider text area, though WordPress themes seem to have an affinity for these thinner columns. If you have the time, please do some Web searching for a theme that somewhat matches our color scheme (Navy, burnt orange) and is wider. A two-column theme is also preferred.
So, please continue to be patient, and my thanks to all of you for doing so. If you have not already, please register to the site with a name that is recognizable to your identity. This way, you will be able to comment in the forums on on our Web stories.
Let me know this week if you are going to be playing May 2 or 3. After that, Travis Swanson will be your No. 1 game-status contact. He will be handed director of communication reins after this weekend.