The Squad, originally captained by Donny Reul who was absent the majority of the 2016 season, finished the regular season with a platoon of managers with a dismal 5-11 record. However, it was just enough to push them into the #4 seed of the post-season as they met Josh Paul's Goonies in the first round. Goonies finished with a league best 11-5 record. However, the Squad picked up a regular captain in the league's most consistent player, Alex Miller. Miller led the Squad to a 2-1 series victory over the Goonies.
The World Series featured Jeff Kilgard's Crushers (6-10) against Miller's Squad. The Squad took a quick 2-0 series lead. Crushers took game three, then the Squad took the fourth then Crushers the fifth to force a game six. And what a game six it was, as the home-team Squad edged out a wild 18-16 seven inning victory for Miller's first taste of championship. After the game, Miller was Popovich-esque in his post-game interview. He said, "This feels good." And when asked how he was going to celebrate, where was going to go, "I think we'll take in some Chinese."
Weekend play will conclude this Saturday in the annual Rookies v. Veterans game at Douglas Park. The annual night game will take place at Douglas Park on Friday, September 23, with scheduled start time 6:30.